For thousands of years, people in many cultures have used hemp for its healing and therapeutic properties. Especially in traditional medicine in China, the use of cannabis as a medicine is well documented. In those times, there was no clear distinction of the psychoactive hemp strains (with THC) and the non-psychoactive hemp strains (with CBD) as there is today. Nowadays we know the composition of the plant into detail and we are discovering the effect of CBD and THC on the human body. Especially since the discovery of CBD in the hemp plant, the interest for the plant has increased rapidly.

CBD tea, hemp tea, cannabis tea, marijuana tea… is it all the same?
Hemp tea is often called Cannabis tea, CBD tea or marijuana tea. What is the difference?
We explain it here.
‘CBD tea’ refers to tea that contains CBD. Pretty much all hemp flowers contain CBD, so every tea that contains hemp flowers can be qualified as CBD tea. The same counts for our Dutch Harvest teas. Sometimes, manufacturers add extra CBD extracts artificially to the tea. This can increase the CBD content of the tea. We don’t do this, since we like to serve you the hemp plant in the way nature created it.
Hemp tea
‘Hemp tea’ refers to tea that was made of hemp flowers and/or hemp leaves. The word ‘hemp’ is mostly used for the cannabis variety that does not contain THC and that is not psychoactive. Hemp tea does contain CBD and CBDA, especially when it is made from the flowers of hemp.
Marijuana tea
‘Marijuana tea’ refers to tea that is made from the leaves and flowers of the ‘Marijuana plant’ or ‘weed plant’. This plant contains THC and therefore most countries prohibit the production and sales of Marijuana tea. However, in more and more countries, doctors are able to prescribe THC rich hemp as a medicine. THC tea can give a psychoactive effect. Our Dutch Harvest hemp tea contains only CBD, which has no psychoactive effect at all.
Cannabis tea
‘Cannabis tea’ refers to tea made of cannabis. This term can be confusing, because it is used for the psychoactive hemp plant that contains THC as well as for non-psychoactive hemp plant that contains CBD.
In order to be sure if the hemp tea you want to purchase makes you stoned, always double check
Kijk voor de zekerheid altijd goed op de verpakking van de CBD thee, hennepthee, wiet thee of cannabisthee die je koopt. Thee van vezelhennep, zoals Dutch Harvest, bevat geen THC en heeft dus geen psychoactief effect.

What is CBD?
CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the most important active compounds that naturally occur in the hemp plant. It is produced in the hemp flowers at the moment of blossoming. CBD is often called the antagonist of THC. The effect of CBD is very different from that of THC and it is non-psychoactive. So CBD does not get you high or stoned! On the other hand, more and more people are using CBD for medicinal reasons, or as part of a healthy lifestyle
What is CBDA?
CBDA (CBD-Acid) is the ‘acid’ variety of CBD. It resembles CBD to a large extent, and also the medicinal effect of CBDA is increasingly being researched. CBDA can transfer into CBD when you heat it, for instance by cooking it in hot water for tea. Also, oxidation can cause the transfer of CBDA into CBD.
How much CBD does Dutch Harvest hemp tea contain?
Since we don’t extract the CBD and CBDA from the hemp plant but we use the pure hemp leaves and flowers instead, we cannot guarantee a fixed percentage of CBD per cup of hemp tea. Because every flower is different and contains a different level of CBD. However, we measure the CBD and CBDA levels regularly and we find roughly the same results each time: our hemp tea contains roughly 1,12 % of total CBD (CBD + CBDA). When you translate this into a cup of tea for which you use 1 gram of our hemp, it means 1,12 mg. CBD. As a matter of comparison: 1 drop of CBD oil of 2,75% total CBD contains 1,28 mg. CBD.
Be aware: not all CBD will be absorbed completely into your cup of tea. By cooking the hemp tea longer or adding more hemp, you can increase the amount of CBD in your cup.
Is it legal to grow hemp in the Netherlands?
Yes, the hemp varieties that we use for our hemp tea are legal to grow in Europe. They are strains of the so called ‘fibre hemp’, that fall within the EU maximum norm of 0,2% THC (THC is the psychoactive compound, of which 5-20% can be found in the marijuana plant). So our hemp plants can absolutely not make you high or stoned. We use the varieties Fedore 17 and Futura 75. These varieties are all registrered in the EU plant variety database as listed on the website of the European commission.
Is Dutch Harvest hemp tea a ‘CBD tea’?
Dutch Harvest hemp tea contains CBD and CBDA. These occur naturally in the hemp plant. So yes, it can be called a ‘CBD tea’. However, we did not extract or process the CBD, our tea contains only natural dried hemp leaves and flowers.
Besides CBD, there are many other compounds in the hemp plant that provide the taste, the smell and the effect such as terpenes. So we prefer to call our tea a hemp tea instead of a CBD tea, because that does justice to the entire goodness of the hemp plant.
How much THC is in the hemp tea?
The THC in hemp tea is negligible. Our tea is made from ‘fibre hemp’. These plants are officially allowed to have a THC content of 0.2%. This is the safety standard within Europe and it is so low that there is absolutely no psychoactive effect on the body. In our hemp tea the THC is even much lower than this standard. We measure the THC with every harvest and it is always around 0.01%, 20 times lower than the norm and absolutely safe to use.
What is the effect of CBD?
CBD is being used more and more frequently for various health reasons or ailments. We are therefore regularly asked what the benefits of hemp tea with CBD are. However, we are not allowed to make any statements about this as we are not a doctor but a producer of hemp tea. But fortunately a lot of research has been done into the effects of CBD. We advise you to look for more information about CBD online.
Does hemp tea help with insomnia?
Almost every day we get the question if hemp tea helps with insomnia.
However, we are not allowed to comment on this, as we are not a doctor but a producer of hemp tea. But fortunately a lot of research has been done into the effects of CBD and hemp tea. We advise you to look for more information about CBD online.
I’d like to grow my own hemp. Can I buy hemp seeds from you?
Hemp seed is only available for farmers. The cultivation of hemp, even if it does not contain any THC, is officially still illegal for private individuals. Therefore, we cannot resell our hemp seed to private individuals.
Can I buy a kilo of hemp flowers from you?
We only sell hemp tea in consumer packaging as it appears on our website. We do not sell hemp tea in kilos or in bulk.
From plant to cup
Take a look at how we make our hemp tea – from hemp seed all the way to your cup.
From plant to cup
Take a look at how we make our hemp tea – from hemp seed all the way to your cup.