Paper made of agricultural by-product

Following its motto “Nature wastes nothing”, PaperWise makes paper from agricultural by-products. For instance the left-overs of sugar cane production. In this way, land is used optimally: one crop gives resource for food ánd for paper. Thereby the Paperwise paper has an even lower footprint than FSC paper or recycled paper. Moreover: we don’t have to cut down any trees for our packaging!
Cellulose-based bioplastics

Next, we needed a plastic layer in the packaging to keep the hemp tea fresh and aromatic. Ánd, to give you a sneak peak of what’s in the pack! But obviously, we didn’t want to use conventional plastic made of fossil fuels. Eventually, we found a ‘bioplastic’, based on cellulose, which is fully compostable. And we found a printer who was able to combine both materials into one sustainable packaging.
Plastic free and compostable

By combining these two packaging materials, our tea packaging is compostable certified by the norm 7P0466. This means that is composts in industrial composting installations, as well as with your home biodegradable waste. (Please note however, that the metallic clip that closes the pack cannot be in your home compost. You can re-use it or leave it with your scrap iron.)
By using these materials, stores are allowed to use the ‘plastic free’ label with our products.

And the winner is…
This packaging innovation helped us to win the HOW design award! Of course the funky design made by Arjan van Woensel played another important role in this.
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Do you have a shop and would you like to sell Dutch Harvest? That’s great!